Freedom of Space : 5 Years of Awards for Independent Berlin Project Spaces and InitiativesTools Renner, Tim; Koch, Andreas; Stange, Raimar; Sill, Heidi; Ron, Michal B.. Freedom of Space : 5 Years of Awards for Independent Berlin Project Spaces and Initiatives. Berlin, Germany: Argobooks, 2016.
Abstract (English)"A preface by Tim Renner and texts by Network of the Independent Berlin Project Spaces and Initiatives, Andreas Koch, Raimar Stange, Heidi Sill and Michal B. Ron. Freedom of Space was published to mark the fifth anniversary of the Berlin City Parliament and the Senate Chancellery - Cultural Affairs awarding independent project spaces for their excellent initiatives and programming. The 20 awards of 30,000 € each acknowledge innovative achievements and largely volunteer efforts and ensure appropriate public awareness." -- Distributor's website.
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