Dayna McLeod : Intimate Karaoke Live at Uterine Concert HallTools McLeod, Dayna; Thain, Alanna. Dayna McLeod : Intimate Karaoke Live at Uterine Concert Hall. Toronto, Ont.: FADO, 2018.
Abstract (English)"In its current iteration, Intimate Karaoke, Live at Uterine Concert Hall, audience members take the DJ's place; invited to perform karaoke for McLeod's uterus, belting it out before a crowd that can't hear the music, channelled through the Baby Pod into one-at-a-time listening sessions between McLeod and individual participants in another room. [...] McLeod's work foregrounds and complicated questions of access and autonomy well beyond invitation, display and the visual. Her work demands better forms of sociability, where individual autonomy is inseparable from touch, contact, consent and creation." -- p. [2].
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