Every. Now. Then. : Reframing NationhoodTools Christie-Peters, Quill; Dickenson, Rachelle; Hunter, Andrew; Jordan, Anique; Jost, Stephan; Mitra, Srimoyee; Nelson, Charmaine A.; Spooner, Rosie. Every. Now. Then. : Reframing Nationhood. Toronto, Ont.: Art Gallery of Ontario/Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, 2017.
Abstract (English)"Every. Now. Then: Rethinking Nationhood embraces the fundamental belief that Canada is a dynamic work-in-progress that has, is, and will continue to be defined by movements and migrations across shifting terrain and within a variable, often unstable, environment. As cultural space, political state, ecosystem, and geography, the space of Canada (even over its short history) has been a place of shifting borders and boundaries; a place constantly being reimagined and redefined." -- Distributor's website. Edit this item (login required):