Monsieur Sasaki's HolidayTools Davis, Brian Joseph. Monsieur Sasaki's Holiday. Toronto, Ont.: Gallery TPW, 2007.
Abstract (English)"With deadpan humour and considerable joie de vivre, Sasaki’s work touches on themes of skepticism, containment, pathos and futility. Each piece in Wishing for Three More Wishes stands alone as a fragment of a bigger, funny, yet sad picture. An assembly of new work, the exhibition includes: A celebration of perseverance in the face of probable failure as a video depicts the artist attempting to climb an unsupported ladder; Sasaki’s first oil painting, completed at age 15, is now encased in bronze, memorialized like a first pair of baby shoes; a collection of silver “Best Friend” pendants attest to the desire to forge meaningful relationships while recognizing the difficulty in locating where exactly that meaning resides." -- Publisher's website.
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