Back to School : Curatorial StatementTools Krstich, Vesna. Back to School : Curatorial Statement. Toronto, Ont.: Gallery TPW, 2013.
Abstract (English)"The residency takes its cue from Project Other Ways, a Berkley storefront educational space developed by Allan Kaprow and Herbert Kohl in the late 1960s. Used as a “storefront-environment-teacher-training-community,” Project Other Ways welcomed students, teachers, and artists wishing to experiment with the possibilities of using performance and conceptual art to teach reading, writing and community studies, by replacing existing curriculum plans with event plans. Back to School positions Project Other Ways as a model for thinking about the proliferation of ‘school’ platforms and the discursive, research-based models of production and presentation in the contemporary art world during the past decade, in which Gallery TPW has a conceptual investment." -- Publisher's website.
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