Le grand dérangement : Guillaume Brisson-Darveau, Pascaline Knight = The Big Clean-Up : Guillaume Brisson-Darveau, Pascaline KnightTools Cloutier, Caroline. Le grand dérangement : Guillaume Brisson-Darveau, Pascaline Knight = The Big Clean-Up : Guillaume Brisson-Darveau, Pascaline Knight. Toronto, Ont.: Open Studio, 2014.
Abstract (English)"Le Grand Dérangement/The Big Clean-Up borrows from the visual code of construction sites, utilizing a megalomaniacal overproduction in order to speak of the increasing speed at which things are destroyed and built in the name of development. Printed primarily on Tyvek® HomeWrap® – a widely used building material that prevents weather-related damages – the installation becomes a metaphor for our collective impermeability towards each other." -- Publisher's website
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