Erdem Taşdelen : A Minaret for the General's WifeTools Halajian, Suzy. Erdem Taşdelen : A Minaret for the General's Wife. Toronto, Ont.: Mercer Union; Toronto, Ont.: SAVAC South Asian Visual Arts Collective.
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Abstract (English)"In A Minaret for the General’s Wife, the minaret becomes a metaphor for that peculiar and potent feeling of being corporeally out of place, for structures built in locations where they seemingly don’t belong, and for objects brought out of context—in other words; displacement, appropriation, and extractivism. In his search to uncover the origins of the Kėdainiai Minaret, Taşdelen takes up these tensions through an array of disparate and tangentially related materials, assembling miscellanea in a web of relational and spatial collage." -- Publisher's website.
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