Sense of the City : An Alternate Approach to UrbanismTools Zardini, Mirko; Classen, Constance; Howes, David; Latouche, Pierre-Édouard; Pressman, Norman; Thompson, Emily; Tillet, Linnaea; Schivelbusch, Wolfgang. Sense of the City : An Alternate Approach to Urbanism. Montréal, Québec: Canadian Centre for Architecture; Zürich, Suisse: Lars Müller Publishers, 2005.
Abstract (English)" Challenging the dominance of vision, the essays brought together in this volume propose a new approach, a "sensorial urbanism" whose aim it is to analyze urban phenomena in terms of luminosity and darkness, seasons and climate, the smell of the air, the material surfaces of the city, and sounds. " -- Page 4 of cover.
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