Contemporary Art and Disability StudiesTools Derby, John; Wexler, Alice; Kuppers, Petra; Fazeli, Taraneh; Papalia, Carmen; Keifer-Boyd, Karen; Kraft, Michelle; Kallio-Tavin, Mira. Contemporary Art and Disability Studies. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020.
Abstract (English)"This book presents interdisciplinary scholarship on art and visual culture that explores disability in terms of lived experience. It will expand critical disability studies scholarship on representation and embodiment, which is theoretically rich, but lacking in attention to art. It is organized in five thematic parts: methodologies of access, agency, and ethics in cultural institutions; the politics and ethics of collaboration; embodied representations of artists with disabilities in the visual and performing arts; negotiating the outsider art label; and first-person reflections on disability and artmaking. This volume will be of interest to scholars who study disability studies, art history, art education, gender studies, museum studies, and visual culture." -- Publisher's website.
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