If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolutionTools Musteata, Natalie; Antliff, Allan; Blackwell, Adrian; Larsen, Ernest; MacPhee, Josh; Millner-Larsen, Nadja. If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution. Haverford, PA: Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery, 2014.
Abstract (English)"if I can’t dance to it, it’s not my revolution takes as its starting point a maxim by anarchist feminist Emma Goldman to examine the political movement of anarchism through counter-cultural artistic practices. Including works from the 1960s to today, the exhibition proposes three interlinked topics: “Free Love,” “Horizontality,” and “Black.” Each platform features archival documentation, works by self-identified anarchist artists, and pieces that both affirm and complicate strategies of disruption and resistance. Curated by Natalie Musteata, if I can’t dance to it anchors a variety of programs including a film series on the anarchist tradition." -- Publisher' website
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