Labyrinth : Surrey Condos Edition // Circle, Sphere, Horizontal LineTools Atkins, Terryl. Labyrinth : Surrey Condos Edition // Circle, Sphere, Horizontal Line. Kamloops, BC: Arnica Artist-Run Centre, 2017.
Abstract (English)" Arnica Artist-Run Centre is pleased to present the exhibitions: Circle, Sphere, Horizon Line by Lyndl Hall and Labyrinth: Surrey Condos Edition, Featuring Vinyl Village Upgrade and Surrey Condos Edition by Sandee Moore. Through investigative practices and critical inquiry, Hall and Moore tackle what it means to be an individual navigating their lived environment. These works prove that the task of navigation is not a simple one: by orienting ourselves, exploring our surroundings, and marking destinations, we are at the same time shaped by the environment we navigate. " -- Publisher's website.
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