The Helen Pitt 1980 Graduate Awards Exhibition

Harris, Lawren P.. The Helen Pitt 1980 Graduate Awards Exhibition. Burnaby, BC: Burnaby Art Gallery, 1980.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

The authors describe the jurying of the exhibition and the history of the Helen Pitt Graduate Awards.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Harris, Lawren P. (Juror); Harris, Lawren P. (Author); Hardman, Jack N. (Prefacer)
Dossier: 353 - BURNABY ART GALLERY (Burnaby)
Collation: 15 p. : 8 ill. ; 21 x 28 cm
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Burnaby, BC: Burnaby Art Gallery
Artists: Abbott, Kathryn; Arbour, Marsha J.; Baker, Colin John; Cassells, Laara; Crowder, Christophe; Fitzsimmons, Michael John Paul; Ide, Shelly Gay; Janeway, Mary Susan; Johnson, Mia; Manson, Loree; Mason-Browne, Jane; Mulvin, Robert; Penzari, Rose; Royle, Thomas Ragnvald; Ryals, Terry; Szeto, Nigel Nai-Chung; Yung, Sylvia; Tassell, Brian G.; Trotzuk, Cindy; Williams, Arden Lorraine; Baldry, Shelly; Johima, Gerry; Quiring, Douglas Raymond; Therrien, Joseph; West, Neville; Arber, Peggy Pauline; Barker, Ellinore; Callahan, Justina; Clark, Wesley; Daoust, Johanne; Fergusson, Susan Kathleen; Krisman, Patty; Kusiak, Monica Anne; Le Blanc, Roland; Mcintyre, Paul R.; Ridley, Sarah Lynn; Rivet, Richard James
Critics / Curators / Historians: Harris, Lawren P.
Art Organizations: Exhibition Centres > Canada > British Colombia > Burnaby Art Gallery (Burnaby)
Event Statement: Exhibition dates: 11 June - 20 July 1980, Burnaby Art Gallery.
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 1991
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:35
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