Breaking Protocol

Hupfield, Maria. Breaking Protocol. Los Angeles, CA: Inventory Press, 2024.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

"For Breaking Protocol, transdisciplinary artist Maria Hupfield embarked on a research project on the protocols of Indigenous performance—tracing Indigenous knowledge systems, land-preservation practices and feminist scholarship to illuminate strategies for enacting refusal within decolonial frameworks. The book draws from Hupfield’s “coffee breaks”—conversations held over Zoom during the pandemic, in which Hupfield invited international Indigenous performance artists to discuss their work (from dance to stand-up comedy), who in turn invited other artists to join the conversations. Building on these exchanges, Breaking Protocol centers on Indigenous place-based artistic modes of making and practice to open spaces for reciprocity and multiplicity." --Publisher's website

Types: Monographs
All Contributors: Hupfield, Maria (Author)
Dossier: en commande
ISBN: 9781941753576
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Los Angeles, CA: Inventory Press
Copyright Statement: Inventory Press
Deposited by: Artexte Admin
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2024 22:08
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2024 22:08
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