Ö (the mutual letter) Swedish - Turkish = Ö (Den Gemensamma Bokstaven) Svenska - Tuskiska = Ö (Otak Harf) İsveççe - TürkçeTools Ringborg, Meriç Algün. Ö (the mutual letter) Swedish - Turkish = Ö (Den Gemensamma Bokstaven) Svenska - Tuskiska = Ö (Otak Harf) İsveççe - Türkçe. [Stockholm, Sweden]: [Meriç Algün Ringborg].
Abstract (English)" Ö (The Mutual Letter) is a dictionary and an audio work based on 1,270 words that are pronounced differently in Swedish and Turkish but are spelled the same and have the same meaning. Meriç Algün was raised in her native Turkey and became a Swedish citizen in 2012. She has created a range of works that discuss identity, cultures, languages and bureaucracies. " -- Museum's website.
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