Manifesta : The Deep of the Modern

Fijen, Hedwig; Misiano, Viktor; Van Baelen, Gilbert; Dries, Wim; Nagels, Anniek; Medina, Cuauhtémoc. Manifesta : The Deep of the Modern. Genk, Belgium: International Foundation Manifesta, 2012.

On-site consultation
Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues ; Programmes
All Contributors: Fijen, Hedwig (Author); Misiano, Viktor (Author); Van Baelen, Gilbert (Author); Dries, Wim (Author); Nagels, Anniek (Author); Medina, Cuauhtémoc (Author); Gregos, Katerina (Interviewee); Ades, Dawn (Interviewee); Hermans, Edgar (Interviewee)
Dossier: 500 - MANIFESTA
Collation: 39 pages : colour illustrations ; 41 cm
Language of Publication: English; Dutch
Publishers: Genk, Belgium: International Foundation Manifesta
Artists: Geers, Kendell; Vermeir, Katleen; Heiremans, Ronny; Biscotti, Rossella; Goldin + Senneby; Haifeng, Ni; Boom, Irma; Pijnappel, Johan; Shen, Kuai; Amorales, Carlos; [et alii]
Events: Manifesta
Event Title: Manifesta 9 : The Deep of the Modern
Type: Exhibition
Location: Waterschei, Belgium ; Genk, Belgium ; Limburg, Belgium
Dates: June - September 2012
Copyright Statement: Artists, Authors, Curators; International Foundation Manifesta/Internationale Stichting Manifesta
Deposited by: Intern Stagiaire
Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2024 21:50
Last Modified: 20 Sep 2024 21:50
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