Search Engine

Hirsch, Antonia. Search Engine. Vancouver, BC: Information Office, 2024.

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Abstract (English)

"Antonia Hirsch’s Search Engine is a book project that situates the Berlin-based artist’s conceptual practice on par with her production of images and objects. The book’s title and its central feature, a classic index, reveal the full spectrum of Hirsch’s oeuvre. Mobilising contemporary tools, narratives, and epistemic systems, she transforms raw information and raw material into investigations of how we situate ourselves socially, politically, and economically. The publication comprises an extensive image section, texts by Henriette Huldisch (chief curator at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis) and Katharina Rein (art historian and media scholar, University of Potsdam), a conversation between Elena Filipovic (director, Kunstmuseum Basel) and Antonia Hirsch, and an introduction and glossary by the artist." --Publisher's website

Types: Artists' publications > Artists' books
All Contributors: Hirsch, Antonia (Author); Filipovic, Elena (Collaborator); Huldisch, Henriette (Collaborator); Rein, Katharina (Collaborator)
Dossier: 410 - HIRSCH, ANTONIA
Collation: 191 pages : colour illustrations ; 29 cm
ISBN: 9781988860183
Language of Publication: English; German
Publishers: Vancouver, BC: Information Office
Artists: Hirsch, Antonia
Copyright Statement: Antonia Hirsch/VG Bild-Kunst Bonn; The authors; Information Office

Includes glossary and biographical notes.

Deposited by: Artexte Admin
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2024 16:36
Last Modified: 13 Sep 2024 15:34
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