Vancouver/Seattle : Sculpture by Lionel Doucette, Lyse S. Lemieux, Walter Lieberman, Debra Sherwood

Young, Jane; Doucette, Lionel; Lemieux, Lyse S.; Lieberman, Walter; Sherwood, Debra. Vancouver/Seattle : Sculpture by Lionel Doucette, Lyse S. Lemieux, Walter Lieberman, Debra Sherwood. Surrey, BC: Surrey Art Gallery, 1984.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

Defining these works as figurative sculpture, Young examines the artists' work, their use of materials, and their political and social themes. Includes brief statements by the artists and biographical notes. 10 bibl. ref.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Young, Jane (Curator); Young, Jane (Author); Doucette, Lionel (Artist); Doucette, Lionel (Author); Lemieux, Lyse S. (Artist); Lemieux, Lyse S. (Author); Lieberman, Walter (Artist); Lieberman, Walter (Author); Sherwood, Debra (Artist); Sherwood, Debra (Author)
Dossier: 353 - SURREY ART GALLERY (Surrey)
Collation: 40 p. : 24 ill. (8 col.) ; 22 x 24 cm
ISBN: 0920181104
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Surrey, BC: Surrey Art Gallery
Artists: Doucette, Lionel; Lemieux, Lyse S.; Lieberman, Walter; Sherwood, Debra
Critics / Curators / Historians: Young, Jane
Art Organizations: Exhibition Centres > Canada > British Colombia > Surrey Art Gallery (Surrey)
Event Statement: Exhibition dates: 8 - 30 Sept. 1984, Surrey Art Gallery.
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 27 Sep 1991
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:35
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