An Anthology of Poetry by Saskatoon PoetsTools Abley, Mark; Swanson, Jo-Ann; McMahon, Suzanne; Szumigalski, Anne; Rowley, Mari-Lou; Fernuik, W.h.; Pearson, Eleanor Shore; Smith, Judith; Simmie, Lois; Okkerse, Jean; Padmanab, S.; Fernuik, Pamela; Zakus, Jose; Bye, Alf S.; Aubert, Eileen; Walters, Louise; Senior, Nancy; Peterson, Warren; Wiss, Michael; Heath, Terrence. An Anthology of Poetry by Saskatoon Poets. Saskatoon, Sask.: s.n., 1973.
Abstract (English)This anthology of poems, illustrated by artist's works and photographs, is described as an experiment in community poetry. Brief biographical notes on the contributors. Edit this item (login required): |