
Walsh, Robert; Costantino, Terry; Clément, André; Claus, Barbara; Neumark, Devora. Valediction. Toronto, Ont.: Gallery 44, 1991.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

Reflecting on the themes of death and decay, the authors consider the work of Clément, Claus and Neumark, in relation to recent critical theory on photography. Artist's statements. Biographical notes.


Réfléchissant aux thèmes de la mort et de la décomposition, les auteurs considèrent le travail de Clément, Claus et Neumark en rapport avec les récentes théories critiques concernant la photographie. Textes des artistes. Notices biographiques.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Walsh, Robert (Author); Costantino, Terry (Author); Clément, André (Artist); Clément, André (Author); Claus, Barbara (Artist); Claus, Barbara (Author); Neumark, Devora (Artist); Neumark, Devora (Author)
Dossier: 351 - GALLERY 44 (Toronto)
Collation: [12] p. : 9 ill. ; 28 x 22 cm
Language of Publication: French; English
Publishers: Toronto, Ont.: Gallery 44
Artists: Clement, Andre; Claus, Barbara; Neumark, Devora
Art Organizations: Exhibition Centres > Canada > Ontario > Gallery 44 (Toronto)
Event Statement: Dates d'exposition: "André Clément: Aporia", 7 - 28 sept. 1991 ; "Barbara Claus : Entr'ouverture", 5 - 26 oct. 1991 ; "Devora Neumark : Departed Strucutre/Imparted Tracing", 2 - 23 nov. 1991, Gallery 44 (Toronto).
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 1992
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:36
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