Rosemarie TrockelTools Stich, Sidra; Sussman, Elisabeth; Lloyd, Jill; Dahn, Walter; Marta, Karen; de Corral, Maria; Wagner, Anne M.; Doherty, Brigid; Pohlen, Annelie; Stigliano, Carl; Dickhoff, Wilfried; Lauf, Cornelia; Koether, Jutta; Graw, Isabelle. Rosemarie Trockel. Boston, MA: Institute of Contemporary Art; Berkeley, CA: University Art Museum, University of California; Munich, Germany: Prestel, 1991.
Abstract (English)Examining Trockel's work within the context of German art, the authors elaborate on the artist's use of materials and images to critique and disturb received notions of gender, identity and authority. Biographical notes. 138 bibl. ref.
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