The LoversTools McEvilley, Thomas; Abramovic, Marina; Mignot, Dorine and Ulay. The Lovers. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Stedelijk Museum, 1989.
Abstract (English)McEvilly's diaristic, 28-"chapter" account of Abramovic's and Ulay's respective performance-walks toward each other along the Great Wall of China forms the backbone for this catalogue-cum-travelogue; he discusses the history of the artists and his relationship to them, the spiritual and aesthetic aspects of walking, and the adventures and misadventures of preparing for and carrying out the trip. He draws from both European authors and Chinese poets to enhance his perspective on the subject. Mignot contextualizes the piece within the artists' career and gives an account of the exhibition; two sections are dedicated to photos and writings of each artist inspired by this experience. Biographical notes. Circa 90 bibl. ref.
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