Eye of NatureTools Augaitis, Daina; Dickel, Hans; Pakasaar, Helga; Garneau, David; Teitelbaum, Matthew; Watson, Scott; Sherlock, Maureen P.. Eye of Nature. Banff, Alta: Walter Phillips Gallery, 1991.
Abstract (English)This catalogue brings together work by visual artists and writers that bears witness to the "acculturation of nature", the "eye" of nature being an "I" which acts as "a metaphor for the vision, illumination and knowledge of nature as a cultural construct". Several questions are raised: the exploitation, degradation and study of nature by science and industry, environmental degradation and the discursive construction of territory, landscape, discovery and exploration. Includes documentation and discussion of works by nine artists. Biographical notes on the 16 contributors. Circa 50 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):