Ulrich Horndash : Futurism of the Engineers of Architecture as Anticipation of the PastTools Haraldsson, Arni. Ulrich Horndash : Futurism of the Engineers of Architecture as Anticipation of the Past. Vancouver, BC: Contemporary Art Gallery, 1992.
Abstract (English)Haraldsson's lengthy essay details the preoccupation with history in Horndash's thinking and art, specifically his interest in paradigm shifts, the demise of modernity and the modern/postmodern problematic. The author draws from such sources as theory from the Paris and Frankfurt Schools, the activities and writings of the Italian Futurists, and compares Horndash to his Munich contemporaries, Merz and Forg. Architectural issues, fascism, Nazism, and the formal intensions and effects of the installation in the exhibition space are also discussed. Biographical notes. Circa 60 bibl. ref.
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