Northern Lights : An Exhibition of Canadian Video Art

Gale, Peggy; Marishita, Akihiko; Sasaki, Tomiyo. Northern Lights : An Exhibition of Canadian Video Art. Tokyo, Japan: International Videoworks Inc., 1991.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

Gale and Morishita characterize independent video art in Canada through a discussion of Canadian identity and a review of the works of 15 artists. 1 bibl. ref.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Gale, Peggy (Curator); Gale, Peggy (Author); Marishita, Akihiko (Curator); Marishita, Akihiko (Author); Sasaki, Tomiyo (Artist); Sasaki, Tomiyo (Author); Taylor, J.H. (Prefacer)
Dossier: 800 - VIDÉO / VIDEO
Collation: [24] p. : 32 ill. col. ; 30 x 21 cm
Language of Publication: English; Japanese
Publishers: Tokyo, Japan: International Videoworks Inc.
Artists: Sasaki, Tomiyo; Kunuk, Zacharias; Levine, Paula; Morin, Robert; Dufour, Lorraine; D.E.I. (Département d'entraînement à l'insanité); Anode, Loulou; Cathod, Neam; Mael; Rynard, Susan; Hebert, Bernard; Douglas, Stan; Askevold, David; Truly, Ruby; Steele, Lisa; Tomczak, Kim; Diamond, Sara; Frenkel, Vera; Landon, Paul
Critics / Curators / Historians: Gale, Peggy; Morishita, Akihiko
Event Statement: Exhibition initiated by the Canadian Department of External Affairs (Ottawa), the Canadian Embassy (Tokyo) and International Videoworks (Tokyo), and organized for the opening year's exhibition programme in the new building of the Canadian Chancery. - Exhibition dates: 4 Dec. 1991 - 15 Jan. 1992, The Canadian Embassy (Tokyo).
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 1993
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:38
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