Portraits of Choreographers

Goldberg, Marianne; Pontbriand, Chantal. Portraits of Choreographers. New York, NY: Ronald Feldman Fine Arts; Paris, France: Éditions Bougé, 1988.

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Abstract (English)

The evolution of experimental and avant-garde dance from the 1960's to the 1980's is briefly described. Reprinted statements by choreographers and dancers. Brief biographical notes on Kaplan. 36 bibl. ref.


L'évolution de la danse expérimentatle et d'avant-garde depuis les années '60 jusqu'aux années '80 est brièvement décrite. Reproduction de textes de chorégraphes et de danseurs. Brève notice biographique sur Kaplan. 36 réf. bibl.

Types: Monographs
All Contributors: Kaplan, Peggy Jarrell (Artist); Goldberg, Marianne (Author); Pontbriand, Chantal (Author); Adolphe, Jean-Marc (Prefacer)
Collation: 76 p. : 30 ill. ; 26 x 23 cm
ISBN: 2906953040
Language of Publication: French; English
Publishers: New York, NY: Ronald Feldman Fine Arts; Paris, France: Éditions Bougé
Artists: Kaplan, Peggy Jarrell; Cunningham, Merce; Childs, Lucinda; Paxton, Steve; Gordon, David; Brown, Trisha; Fenley, Molissa; Streb, Elizabeth; Morris, Mark; Solomons, Gus Jr.; Rose, Kathy; Jones, Bill T.; Clark, Michael; De Keersmaeker, Anne Teresa; Dendy, Mark; Laurin, Ginette; Lock, Edouard; Larrieu, Daniel; Gallotta, Jean-Claude; Amagatsu, Ushio; Nakajima, Natsu; Bausch, Pina; Endicott, Josephine Ann; Duroure, Jean-Francois; Madden, Diane; Gries, Lance; Zane, Arnie; Bouvier, Joelle; Obadia, Regis; Eiko; Wilson, Robert; Clarke, Martha; Marin, Maguy; Kelly, John
Keywords: DANSE; DANCE
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 31 Aug 1988
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:29
URI: http://e-artexte.ca/id/eprint/481
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