The Empirical Presence : Six Essays : Barbara Caruso, Jean-Marie Delavalle, Yves Gaucher, Ron Martin, Jaan Poldaas, Henry SaxeTools Campbell, James D.; Lammerich, Yvonne. The Empirical Presence : Six Essays : Barbara Caruso, Jean-Marie Delavalle, Yves Gaucher, Ron Martin, Jaan Poldaas, Henry Saxe. Montréal, Qc: Galerie Optica, 1992.
Abstract (English)In a series of discrete essays on the abstract artists (four painters and two sculptors) in the exhibition, Campbell delves deeply into the form of the artist's work to arrive at its context, or at an interpretation of its internal dynamic and a theory of corresponding meaning. Using Lacan, Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty as points of departure, the author incorporates discussions of subjectivity, the body, and the phenomenology of vision, sensation and mood (melancholy). 28 bibl. ref.
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