Paradise : Taki Bluesinger & Glenn Lewis, Jennifer Dickson, Tim Porter, Francis Sanagan = Le paradis : Taki Bluesinger & Glen Lewis, Jennifer Dickson, Tim Porter, Francis SanaganTools Lewis, Glenn; Rosenberg, Avis Lang; Langford, Martha. Paradise : Taki Bluesinger & Glenn Lewis, Jennifer Dickson, Tim Porter, Francis Sanagan = Le paradis : Taki Bluesinger & Glen Lewis, Jennifer Dickson, Tim Porter, Francis Sanagan. Ottawa, Ont.: L'Office national du film du Canada/The National Film Board of Canada, 1980.
Abstract (English)Langford examines the use of the myth of paradise in works by five photographers; Lewis presents notes from his journey to sacred gardens in the Middle East and Europe; Rosenberg discusses Dickson's "Il Paradiso Terrestre". Biographical notes. 23 bibl. ref. RésuméLangford examine l'emploi du mythe du paradis dans les oeuvres de cinq photographes; Lewis présente un compte rendu de son voyage à travers les jardins sacrés du Moyen Orient et de l'Europe; Rosenberg discute du "Il Paradiso Terrestre" de Dickson. Notices biographiques. 23 réf. bibl.
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