Critical PathsTools Baert, Renee; Balfour, Barbara McGill; Greenberg, Reesa; Falk, Lorne; Ameri, Yassaman; Alemany-Galway, Mary; Waugh, Thomas; Berryman, Marie; Sacca, Elizabeth; Permanent Review Committee on the Status of Women, Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University; Walker, Heather; Tenhaaf, Nell; McLeod, Shirley. Critical Paths. Montréal, Qc: Permanent Review Committee on the Status of Women, Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University, 1988.
Abstract (English)A collection of essays and artworks by faculty staff and students of Concordia University which address notions of the relationship of art to social and political issues. 12 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):