Vera Frenkel : Raincoats Suitcases Palms/The Bar ReportTools Tuer, Dot; Frenkel, Vera; Winzen, Matthias. Vera Frenkel : Raincoats Suitcases Palms/The Bar Report. Toronto, Ont.: Art Gallery of York University, 1993.
Abstract (English)Winzen situates the "Transit Bar" installation at Documenta IX in the context of contemporary xenophobia. Tuer investigates the role played by the themes of exile and memory in Frenkel's work. In an interview with Tuer, Frenkel discusse her adoption of the video medium, the role of storytelling in her work, the influence of archeology, and themes such as silencing. Includes an annotated documentation of videotapes from 1977 to 1990 and an artist's book of the "Transit Bar" experience. Biographical notes. Bibl. 6 p.
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