Alessandro Mangiarotti

Savonuzzi, Paolo; Shaw, John. Alessandro Mangiarotti. Montréal, Qc: Galerie Stornaway, 1993.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

In a letter to the artist, Savonuzzi gives evidence of his enthusiasm and surprise before Mangiarotti's paintings. Shaw briefly evokes his encounter with the painter.


Dans une lettre adressée à l'artiste, Savonuzzi fait part de son enthousiasme et de son étonnement devant les tableaux de Mangiarotti. Shaw évoque brièvement sa rencontre avec le peintre.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Savonuzzi, Paolo (Author); Shaw, John (Author)
Collation: [6] p. : 1 ill. ; 14 x 15 cm
Language of Publication: French; English
Publishers: Montréal, Qc: Galerie Stornaway
Artists: Mangiarotti, Alessandro
Event Statement: Dates d'exposition: 6 - 28 fév. 1993, Galerie Stornaway (Montréal).
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Feb 1994
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:42
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