Coopérative des cinéastes indépendants : Catalogue de distribution de films no 5 (1979-80) & guide des publications cinématographiques = Coopérative des cinéastes indépendants : Film Distribution Catalogue no 5 (1979-80) & Guide to Film Publications
Chamberlan, Claude.
Coopérative des cinéastes indépendants : Catalogue de distribution de films no 5 (1979-80) & guide des publications cinématographiques = Coopérative des cinéastes indépendants : Film Distribution Catalogue no 5 (1979-80) & Guide to Film Publications.
Montréal, Qc: Coopérative des cinéastes indépendants; Montréal, Qc: Cinéma Parallèle, 1979.
On-site consultation |
Abstract (English)
This catalogue inventories the films distributed by the Coopérative, traces the history of the organization (1967-1979) and provides information on film deposits, rentals and sales. A description produced by the filmmaker accompanies technical data for each film. Includes a guide of publications on film (circa 230 bibl. ref.) and indexes by filmmakers and film titles.
Ce catalogue répertorie les films distribués par la Coopérative, retrace l'historique de l'organisme (1967-1979) et expose les modalités de dépôt, de location et de vente de films. Une description fournie par l'artiste accompagne la fiche technique pour chaque film. Comprend un répertoire de publications sur le cinéma (circa 230 réf. bibl.) et des index par cinéeastes et titres de films.
Types: |
Catalogues |
All Contributors: |
Chamberlan, Claude (Author) |
Dossier: |
Collation: |
151 p. : 194 ill. ; 23 x 30 cm |
Language of Publication: |
French; English |
Publishers: |
Montréal, Qc: Coopérative des cinéastes indépendants; Montréal, Qc: Cinéma Parallèle |
Artists: |
Adam, Camil; Adams, Michael; Agosti, Silvano; Amar, Maurice; Amesse, Claude; Anderson, David; Ando, Kohei; Angelidi, Antoinetta; Anger, Kenneth; Arlyck, Ralph; Arnold, Steven; Aubry, François; Audet, Robert; Auer, Gabriel; Augustin, Jacques; Auzépy, Patrick; Baillie, Bruce; Barsac, Jacques; Bartlett, Scott; Beckett, Adam; Bélanger, Fernand; Bellochio, Marco; Bendahan, Raphael; Berger, Wout; Berman, Glenn; Berry, Tom; Bienstock, David; Binamé, Charles; Blank, Les; Bokanowski, Patrick; Bonenfant, Jean-Pierre; Bonnemaison, Michel; Bordier, Philipe; Borenstein, Joyce; Bors, Peter; Brachlianoff, Arcady; Braidwood, Tom; Brakhage, Stan; Breer, Robert; Broughton, James; Buchet, Jean-Marie; Bunuel, Luis; Burckhardt, Rudolph; Burger, Jean-Claude; Burstyn, Tom; Campbell, Graeme; Cantin, Roger; Carriere, Bruno; Casselman, Michael; Castonguay, Viateur; Calvalcanti, Alberto; Chazel, Christian; Chamberlan, Claude; Chamberland, Marie; Chambers, Jack; Cholakian, Vartkes; Christensen, Benjamin; Clair, René; Clairoux, Jacques; Clark, Richard; Clarke, Shirley; Clay, Melvin; Clevé, Bastian; Cocteau, Jean; Collier, Mike; Conner, Bruce; Conway, Robert; Cournoyer, Michele; Cowan, Bob; Crapaud, R.u.a.; Cross, Kim; Csicsery, George Paul; Dali, Salvador; Dansereau, Mireille; De Grasse, Herbert Jean; De La Casiniere, Joelle; Delluc, Louis; Deren, Maya; Dewdney, Keewatin; Diddens, Gerda; Dinel, Gilbert; Ditchburn, Robert; Doberman, Gary; Donoghue, William; Dopff, Paul; Dovjenko, Alexandre Petrovitch; Duchamp, Marcel; Dulac, Germaine; Durand, Clovis; Durand, Jean; Dwoskin, Stephen; Edell, Nancy; Eggeling, Viking; Eipides, Dimitri; Mikhailovitch; Elder, R. Bruce; Elson, Richard; Emshwiller, Ed; Epstein, Jean; Falardeau, Pierre; Farley, William; Ferguson, Gérald; Feuillade, Louis; Fiala, Robert; Fléchet, Jean; Fleischner, Bob; Florey, Robert; Flower, Richard; Fortin, Gilles; Fournier, Jean-Pierre; Frampton, Hollis; Frank, Robert; Fried, Si; Gagné, Jean; Gagnon, Charles; Gaudette,pierre; Gehr, Ernie; Gélinas, Pascal; Genet, Jean; Giorgio, Bob; Girard, Pierre; Gnass, Peter; Goldberg, Mike; Goldstein, Allan; Goodman, Jeffrey; Graves, Nancy; Grenier, Vincent; Guerra, Jorge; Guggenheim, Laure; Gutman, Walter; Guttenplan, Howard; Hall, David; Halliday, Richard; Hallis, Ron; Hammid, Alexander; Hancox, Rick; Harel, Pierre; Herbert, James; Hindle, Will; Huston, John; Jacobs, Ken; Jaeggi, Danielle; Jetté, Jean; Jones, Mike; Juliani, John; Jurgens, Ray; Jutras, Pierre; Kendall, Nancy; Kendall, Nicholas; Kirsanoff, Dimitri; Klein, Stuart; Kren, Kurt; Kubelka, Peter; Kuchar, George; Kuchar, Mike; Labrecque, Jean-Claude; Labrosse, Jean-Michel; Ladouceur, Léopold Serge; Laing, John; Lamothe, Arthur; Lang, Fritz; LANIEL, GéRARD; Lapointe, Alain; Larivée, Francine; Larue, Claude; Laugier, Ulysse; Lavalette, Philippe; Lavallée Nicole; Lavoie, Richard; Lavut, Martin; Lawder, Standish; Labovitz, Martin; Laduc, André; Le Flaguais, Franck; Lefort, Lou; Léger, Fernand; Leggo, Christopher; Le Grice, Malcolm; Lepage, Marc; Lesaunier, Daniel; Leslie, Alfred; Lester, Howard; Lethem, Roland; Levine, Charles; Lugg, Andrew; Lumiere, Auguste; Lumiere, Louis; Lye, Len; Maas, Willard; Maliangkay, Evert; Marin, Lorne; Markowitz, Murray; Markson, Morley; Masse, Jean-Pierre; Mcdowell, Curt; Meader, Abbott; Mekas, Jonas; Menken, Marie; Mercure, Michele; Metzner, Erno; Milinusic, Tomislav; Mills Johnson, Gienna; Mingrone, Massimo; Moulet, Luc; Murphey, Duddley; Nekes, Werner; Nelson, Gunver; Nelson, Robert; Noel, Jean-Guy; Noiseux, Lise; O, Dore; Obenhaus, Mark; O'hugan, Sean; Okabe, Michio; O'leary, Étienne; O'neill, Pat; Orentlicher, John; Papageorgiou, Maria; Parent, Bob; Passet, Jean-Pol; Patenaude, Danyele; Payette, Daniel; Petraglia, Sandro; Petzke, Ingo; Picabia, Francis; Pitre, Glen; Polidori, Robert; Poudovkine, Vsevolod Illarionovitch; Poulin, Julien; Rafferty, Kevin; Rainer, Yvonne; Rappaport, Mark; Man Ray; Rayher, Robert; Razutis, Al; Read, Aggy; Rey, Georges; Rhéault, Daniel; Rich, Noman; Richardson, Boyce; Richie, Donald; Richter, Hans; Riggio, Mike; Rimmer, David; Rodan, Keith; Roll, Henry; Roos, Ody; Rose, Lisa; Rosenberg, Gary; Rovere, Pierre; Rulli, Stefano; Ruttman, Walter; Sabourin, Marcel; Sabourin, Robert; Samuel, Julian; Saulnier, Jean; Savard, Claude; Schroeter, Werner; Shapiro, Nesya; Sharits, Paul; Sheeler, Charles; Siegel, Lois; Simoneau, Guy; Sinden, Tony; Singer, Joel; Snow, Michael; Sommer, Ed; Sommer, Irm; Soul, Veronika; Spermon, Kees; Spiegel, Steve; Spinello, Barry; Spree, Lothar; Steiner, Ralph; Stephen, Mary; Straiton, John; Strand, Paul; Straub, Jean-Marie; Surjik, Stephen; Tambellini, Aldo; Teff, Joyce; Terayama, Shuji; Théberge, André; Tittley, Alain; Tougas, Kirk; Toumarkine, Doris; Upnmoor, Bernd; Vais, Marco; Vanderbeek, Stan; Van Riel, Gregory; Verbeek, Jacques; Vertov, Dziga; Viallon, Claudine; Vorkapich, Slavko; Vucetich, Milan; Watson, James; Weber, Melville; Wees, Bill; Wendt, Doug; Wieland, Joyce; Wiene, Robert; Wiertz, Karin; Wiese, Michael; Wildhagen, Michael; Williams, Lloyd; Wong, Al; Wood, Bruce; Yalkut, Jud; Yoda, Naoyo; Zen; Zuckerman, Michael; Zurowski, Richard; ZWARTJES, FRANS -IS:IDENTIF_SEC-DREYER, CARL-THÉODOR; Eisenstein, Serghei; Mélies, Gaston; Mélies, George; Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm; Riefenstahl, Leni; Coopérative De Production Vidéoscopique De Montréal; Cote Blanche Productions; FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU CINÉMA EN 16 mm DE MONTRÉAL; CINÉMA PARALLELE (Montréal); FILMS D'AVENTURES SOCIALES DU QUÉBEC, Les; Montfaucon Research Center; Welles, Orson |
Art Organizations: |
Misc. Organizations > Coopérative Des Cinéastes Indépendants (Montréal, Qc) |
Keywords: |
Deposited by: |
Users 1 not found. |
Date Deposited: |
21 Mar 1994 |
Last Modified: |
25 Oct 2012 13:42 |
URI: | |
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