Video-Architecture-Television : Writings on Video and Video Works, 1970-1978Tools Graham, Dan; Asher, Michael; Birnbaum, Dara. Video-Architecture-Television : Writings on Video and Video Works, 1970-1978. Halifax, NS: The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design; New York, NY: s.n., 1979.
Abstract (English)Graham provides descriptions of 24 "present-time" video-installation projects created during the 1970s and involving such elements as feedback, subjectivity, self-perception, social spaces, and the news broadcast. An analysis of key features of these projects (social codes, glass in architecture, mirrors and the self, etc.) is conducted by Graham in an accompanying essay. Asher and Birnbaum discuss involving television broadcast and cable television. Biographical notes. Bibl. 2 p.
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