The River of Blood Flows On : An Inter-Disciplinary CollaborationTools Khan, Nazeer; Sepulveda, Damarys; McCabe, Penelope I.; Niro, Shelley; Mayrhofer, Ingrid; Espinoza, Nery; Commanda, Marcel; Doxtater, Michael G.; Charles, Asselin; Valverde, Mariana; Langston, Hughes and Zamani. The River of Blood Flows On : An Inter-Disciplinary Collaboration. Toronto, Ont.: A Space; s.l.: Red Tree/Rojo Nuevo Collective, 1992.
Abstract (English)Published on the occasion of the Columbus quincentenary, this exhibition catalogue which includes five artists' statements and nine texts by the Rojo Nuevo Collective, attempts to re-define the history of the conquest, and examines its continuing effects. Biographical notes. Edit this item (login required):