Blair Brennan : Similia Similibus Curentur

Heyd, Thomas; Brennan, Blair. Blair Brennan : Similia Similibus Curentur. Calgary, Alta: The Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta College of Art, 1995.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

While Brennan provides a pointed anti-artist's statement, Heyd articulates an important subject of Brennen's installations, namely the importance and place of religious ritual in the contemporary world. Biographical notes. 27 bibl. ref.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Heyd, Thomas (Author); Brennan, Blair (Artist); Brennan, Blair (Author)
Dossier: 410 - BRENNAN, BLAIR
Collation: 31 p. : 15 ill. col. ; 21 x 15 cm
ISBN: 1895086388
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Calgary, Alta: The Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta College of Art
Artists: Brennan, Blair
Critics / Curators / Historians: Gordon, Richard
Event Statement: Exhibition dates: 9 - 26 Jan. 1995, Illingworth Kerr Gallery (Calgary).
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 1995
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2012 16:45
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