Political Landscapes #1 : Canadian Artists Exploring Perceptions of the LandTools Hogbin, Stephen; Algie, Jim; Thomas, Paul; Gibson, Susan Fenton; Beam, Carl; Boyle, John B.; Hawksbridge, Joan; Marchessault, Robert; Noestheden, John; Hughes, Kenneth James; Reitzenstein, Reinhard; Smutylo, Allen; Horan, George and Laiwan. Political Landscapes #1 : Canadian Artists Exploring Perceptions of the Land. Owen Sound, Ont.: Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, 1989.
Abstract (English)Hogbin traces a history of attitudes towards the environment since the late 1800's in Canada, analyzing the work of the 11 participating artists. Algie focuses on Ojibway culture and the history of the land in the Owen Sound region, while Thomas defines a conceptual framework based on notions of political landscape, land use and site. Includes poems, artist's statements and biographical notes. Bibl. 1 p. Edit this item (login required):