Browse by ArtistNumber of items: 3.
Hosein, Lise; Dault, Gary Michael.
Trudie Cheng : Scenes from the Wish // John Scott.
Toronto, Ont.: Open Studio, 2005.
DOSSIER: 351 - OPEN STUDIO (Toronto)
Faria, Daniel; Sasaki, Jon.
Teresa Ascenção : Marias / Cheng Trudie : The Hatchet Man and Other Stories = Le tueur à gages et autres histoires.
Ottawa. Ont.: SAW Gallery, 2004.
DOSSIER: en traitement
Caldwell, Dorothy; Carter, Lyn; Misner, Mary; Morton, Janet.
Fibreworks : A Biennial Juried Exhibition of Canadian Fibre Art.
Cambridge, Ont.: Cambridge Galleries, 2002.
DOSSIER: 351 - IDEA EXCHANGE (Cambridge)