Browse by ArtistNumber of items: 2.
Rashid, Ian; Gomez, Gabriel; Kealey, Susan; Chapman, Vance; Marks, Laura U.; Chan, Lorraine; Beatty, Greg; Rudder, Jennifer; Lawrence, Glace W.; Robertson, Clive; Palmer, Hazelle; Farah, Mary Anne and Lévi.
Fuse 17: 1.
Lai, Larissa; Achong, Deanne; Dick, Kathleen; Haba, Sarinah; Jew, Anne; Mehat, Sur; Mootoo, Shani; Williams, Sulih.
Telling Relations : Sexuality and the Family.
Vancouver, BC: Grunt Gallery, 1993.
DOSSIER: 353 - GRUNT GALLERY (Vancouver)