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Browse by Artist

Number of items: 7.

Lee, Yaniya; MacMillan, Erin; Mansour, Nahed; Marshall, Emily. Curatorial Incubator [v.13]. Toronto, Ont.: Vtape, 2016.
DOSSIER: 390 - VTAPE (Toronto, Ont.)
[thumbnail of CuratorialIncubatorV13]
Vaughan, Rm. Mid-Life/Shelf Life : RM Vaughan. Toronto, Ont.: Vtape, 2010.
DOSSIER: 390 - VTAPE (Toronto, Ont.)
[thumbnail of MidLifeShelfLife_RMVaughan]
Anon. 1996 Video Reference Guide Catalogued by V/Tape. Toronto, Ont.: V Tape, 1996.
DOSSIER: 390 - VTAPE (Toronto, Ont.)
Rashid, Ian; Gomez, Gabriel; Kealey, Susan; Chapman, Vance; Marks, Laura U.; Chan, Lorraine; Beatty, Greg; Rudder, Jennifer; Lawrence, Glace W.; Robertson, Clive; Palmer, Hazelle; Farah, Mary Anne and Lévi. Fuse 17: 1. Fall. (1993).
[thumbnail of fuse_vol_17_no_01]
Fischer, Barbara. Decalog : YYZ, 1979-1989. Toronto, Ont.: YYZ Books, 1992.
DOSSIER: 351 - YYZ (Toronto)
Richard, Alain-Martin; Richard, Alain-Martin; Robertson, Clive; Robertson, Clive; Vaillancourt, Armand; Falk, Gathie; Chaîné, Francine; Barber, Bruce; Gervais, Raymond; Banana, Anna; Bull, Hank; Tourangeau, Sylvie; Cantsin, Monty; Martel, Richard; Householder, Johanna; Arcand, Pierre-André; Mars, Tanya; Chouinard, Marie; McCaffery, Steve; Fréchette, Jean-Yves; Tourbin, Dennis; Allen, Lillian; Sioui Durand, Yves. Performance au Canada, 1970-1990 = Performance in Canada, 1970-1990. Québec, Qc: Les Éditions Intervention; Toronto, Ont.: The Coach House Press, 1991.
Gee, Bryan; Sigurdson, Doug. Public Address : 7 Billboards by Artists. Toronto, Ont.: A Space, 1985.
DOSSIER: 351 - A SPACE (Toronto)