This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 15:24:45 2025 UTC.

Browse by Artist

Number of items: 2.

Balcaen, Jo-Anne; Brewer, Allan; Brewer, William; Chester, Annie-Lou; Crombie, Kevin; Currie, Derrick; Hobbs, Peter; Leimanis, Ilgas; Major, Susie; Miller, Marcus; Poehler, Cathleen; Simon, Sherry; Tinguely, Vincent; Willet, Jennifer. Articule : 2001-2002. Montréal, Qc: Articule, 2002.
DOSSIER: 330 - ARTICULE (Montréal)
Currie, Derrick; Major, Susie. Le corps cartographié = Mapping the Body from the Outside. Montréal, Qc: Articule, 2001.
DOSSIER: 330 - ARTICULE (Montréal)