This list was generated on Wed Feb 5 17:29:10 2025 UTC.

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Number of items: 3.

Al-Maria, Sophia; Blas, Zach; Cahill, Zachary and et alii. Fear Eats the Soul. Manchester, United Kingdom: HOME Publications, 2016.
Davis, Heather; Turpin, Etienne; Smith, C; Blas, Zach; Palmer, A. Laurie ; Robinson, Neal; Donovam, Micah; Grosz, Elizabeth; Kamenka, Louis; Leckey, Mark; Aubé, Jean-Pierre; Loustau, Nathalie; Cárdenas, Micha; Hirmer, Lisa. nomorepotlucks: 23. sept. - oct. (2012).
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Blas, Zach; Brunet, Pascale; Cárdenas, Micha; Le-Phat Ho, Sophie; Mauro-Flude, Nancy; Triisberg, Airi; Simard, Julien and MPB; Life After Life collective; collectif PolitiQ. Affaires à risques = Risky business : les HTMlles 10. Montréal, QC: Studio XX; Montréal, QC: Les HTMlles, 2012.
DOSSIER: 500 - HTMLLES, Les (Montréal, Qc)