This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 18:57:40 2025 UTC.

Browse by Contributors

Number of items: 5.

Blouin, Patrice; During, Élie; Duyckaerts, Éric; Duyvendak, Yan; Kihm, Christophe; Labelle-Rojoux, Arnaud. Des corps compétents : sportifs, artistes, burlesques. Dijon, France: Les presses du réel, 2013.
DOSSIER: 323 – HEAD : Haute école d’art et de design (Genève, Suisse)
Martel, Richard; Restany, Pierre; Loubier, Patrice; Bourriaud, Nicolas; Durand, Guy Sioui; La Chance, Michaël; Labelle-Rojoux, Arnaud; Bret, Cyrille; Courbe, François ; Messier, Christian; André T, Julie; Taniuchi, Tsuneko; Girard, Robert; Bacon, Julie; Aumont, Sophie; Doyon, Yves. Arts d'attitudes : Discussion, action, interaction. Québec, Qc: Inter Éditeur, 2002.
Martel, Richard; Restany, Pierre; Lebel, Jean-Jacques; Higgins, Dick; Andersen, Eric; Dreyfus, Charles; Ferrer, Esther; Donguy, Jacques; Blaine, Julien; Roussel, Danièle; Ehrenberg, Felipe; Marsh, Anne; Muñoz, Victor; Shimoda, Seiji; Beke, László; Diesen, Veronica; Guzek, Lukasz; Jappe, Elisabeth; Barber, Bruce; Richard, Alain-Martin; Wilson, Martha; Ferrando, Bartolomé; Fontana, Giovanni; Herbert, Simon; Labelle-Rojoux, Arnaud; Sverakova, Slavka; Aguiar, Fernando; Üto, Gusztáv; Murin, Michal; Hushegyi, Gábor; Apisuk, Chumpon; Szombathy, Bálint. Art Action 1958-1998. Québec, Qc: Éditions Intervention, 2001.
Jones, Amelia; Artaud, Antonin; Bataille, Georges; Benthall, Jonathan; Beuys, Joseph; Bonami, Francesco; Brus, Günter; Butler, Judith; Chadwick, Helen; Chandler, John; Cheng, Meiling; Clark, Lygia; Deleuze, Gilles; Francblin, Catherine; Fried, Michael; Freud, Sigmund; Fusco, Coco; Goldberg, RoseLee; Haraway, Donna; Higgins, Dick; Horn, Rebecca; Jedlinski, Jaromir; Jones, Leslie C.; Junker, Howard; Kaprow, Allan; Kelly, Mary; Klein, Yves; Knízák, Milan; Kozloff, Max; Krauss, Rosalind; Kristeva, Julia; Kusama, Yayoi; Kuspit, Donald; Kwon, Miwon; Lacan, Jacques; La Frenas, Rob; Lebeer, Irmeline; Licht, Ira; Lippard, Lucy R.; Maciunas, George; Manzoni, Piero; Marcuse, Herbert; McEvilley, Thomas; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Molesworth, Helen; Morgan, Stuart; Morris, Robert; Mühl, Otto; Nemser, Cindy; Nitsch, Hermann; O'Dell, Kathy; Orenstein, Gloria Feman; Phelan, Peggy; Pincus-Witten, Robert; Pluchart, François; Richard, Nelly; Rosenberg, Harold; Roth, Moira; Sarduy, Severo; Scarry, Elaine; Schneemann, Carolee; Schneider, Rebecca; Schwarzkogler, Rudof; Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky; Sharp, Willoughby; Sontag, Susan; Stiles, Kristine; Sundell, Margaret; Tucker, Marcia; Ukeles, Mierle Laderman; Vergine, Lea; Virilio, Paul; Vostell, Wolf; Weibel, Peter; Wilke, Hannah; Yoshihara, Jiro and Art & Language; Gilbert & George; Stelarc. The Artist's Body. London, England: Phaidon Press, 2000.
Colas-Adler, Marie-Hélène; Ferrer, Mathilde; Armstrong, Cléo; Barbier, Agnès; Bossé, Laurence; Castel, Jean; Champey, Inès; Chevrier, Jean-François; Costa, Vanina; Couderc, Sylvie; Dagbert, Anne; Dreyfus, Charles; Elleinstein, Martine; Gintz, Claude; Giroud, Michel; Grout, Catherine; Heintz, Julie; Joppolo, Giovanni; Labelle-Rojoux, Arnaud; Lachaize, Denis; Lambert, Jeanne; Mathiaut, Jean; Sans, Jérôme; Smith, Brian R.; Bellido, Ramon Tio. Groupes, mouvements, tendances de l'art contemporain depuis 1945. 2e éd. revue et augmentée. Paris, France: École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 1990.