Browse by ContributorsNumber of items: 9.
Lewis, Chloe; Taggart, Andrew; Ibsen, Henrik.
Pages and Doors.
Alma, QC: Centre Sagamie, 2023.
DOSSIER: 410 - LEWIS & TAGGART (Chloe Lewis + Andrew Taggart)
Lewis, Chloe; Taggart, Andrew.
MOLAF : Circumflexions.
Bergen, Norway: Pamflett; Bergen, Norway: MOLAF The Museum of Longing and Failure, 2021.
DOSSIER: 410 - LEWIS & TAGGART (Chloe Lewis + Andrew Taggart)
Lewis, Chloe; Taggart, Andrew.
Terminus : A Study Of Tips, Edges, Corners, Limits, Extremities & Other Terminal Points.
Bergen, Norway: Lewis & Taggart; Bergen, Norway: Tag Team Studio, 2013.
DOSSIER: 410 - LEWIS & TAGGART (Chloe Lewis + Andrew Taggart)
Lewis, Chloe; Taggart, Andrew.
Museum Of The Golden Nail.
New York, NY: Lewis & Taggart; Sudal, Norway: L/R, 2012.
DOSSIER: 410 - LEWIS & TAGGART (Chloe Lewis + Andrew Taggart)
Taggart, Andrew; Lewis, Chloe.
The Museum of Bow.
Calgary, Alta.: Lewis & Taggart, 2010.
DOSSIER: 410 - LEWIS & TAGGART (Chloe Lewis + Andrew Taggart)
Lewis, Chloe; Taggart, Andrew.
Night View From the Soap Factory : And Other Works For VAASA.
Finland: Platform, 2010.
DOSSIER: 410 - LEWIS & TAGGART (Chloe Lewis + Andrew Taggart)
LaCroix, Tommy.
Shadow Puncho : David Gifford.
Vancouver, BC: Access Artist Run Centre, 2006.
Lewis, Chloe; Taggart, Andrew.
Lewis & Taggart's Opening Sculpture.
Bergen, Norway: Lewis & Taggart; Bergen, Norway: Tag Team Studio.
DOSSIER: 410 - LEWIS & TAGGART (Chloe Lewis + Andrew Taggart)
Poe, Edgar Allan; Taggart, Andrew; Lewis, Chloe.
A Small and Not Ostentatious Chamber with Whose Decorations No Fault Can Be Found.
Bergen, Norway: MOLAF The Museum of Longing and Failure.
DOSSIER: 410 - LEWIS & TAGGART (Chloe Lewis + Andrew Taggart)