Browse by ContributorsNumber of items: 3.
Darling, Michael; Foxwell, Chelsea; Keehan, Reuben; Foster, Michael Dylan; Lippit, Akira Mizuta; Murakami, Takashi.
Takashi Murakami : The Octopus Eats its Own Leg.
Chicago, IL: Museum of Contemporary Art; Tokyo, Japan: Kaikai Kiki; New York, NY: Skira Rizzoli Publications, 2017.
Horne, Stephen; Hermange, Emmanuel; Anton, Saul; Asselin, Olivier; Tougas, Colette.
Fiction, ou d'autres histoires de la photographie = Fiction, or Other Accounts of Photography.
Montréal, Qc: Dazibao, 2000.
DOSSIER: 330 - DAZIBAO (Montréal)
Public : Light.: 18.
Toronto, Ont.: Public Access