This list was generated on Mon Dec 23 21:36:35 2024 UTC.

Browse by Contributors

Number of items: 3.

Moore, Sandee. Deadpan Humour and Dead Technology Summon a Spirited Examination of the Cast-off. Saskatoon, Sask.: Paved Arts, 2017.
[thumbnail of Deadpan Humour and Dead Technology Summon a Spirited Examination of the Cast-off]
McFadden, J.J. Kegan; Moore, Sandee. Video Pool Media Arts Centre Presents : Escape. Winnipeg, Man.: Video Pool, 2009.
DOSSIER: 390 - VIDEO POOL (Winnipeg, Man.)
Pike, Bev; Holden, Clive; Dempsey, Shawna; Loft, Steve; Moore, Jake; Moore, Sandee. Poolside : Integration. Winnipeg, Man.: Video Pool, 2005.
DOSSIER: 390 - VIDEO POOL (Winnipeg, Man.)