This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 16:58:54 2025 UTC.

Browse by Contributors

Number of items: 2.

Beaupre, Viateur; Sieff, Jean-Loup; Ponente, Nello. Bélanger, Christin, Couturier, Firquet, Gagne, Hebert, Salvail, St-Pierre : Exposent une sélection de leurs sculptures... Matane Qc: Cégep de Matane, 0197.
DOSSIER: en traitement
Hunter, Sam; Jouffroy, Alain; Bowness, Alan; Ponente, Nello; Fagiolo, Maurizio; Cirici-Pellicer, Alexandre; Oxenaar, R.w.d.; Hulten, Pontus; Dypréau, Jean; Tono, Yoshiaki; Brest, Jorge Romero; Fatouros, Dimitris A.; Fisher, Yona; Porebski, Mieczyslaw; Kotalik, Jiri; Krzisnik, Zoran; Grohmann, Will. New Art Around the World : Painting and Sculpture. New York, NY: Harry N. Abrams, 1966.