This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 14:20:18 2025 UTC.

Browse by Contributors

Number of items: 3.

Bernard, Christophe; Alanis, Salvador; Giraud, Éric; Bachand, Nathalie; Carpenter, J.r.; Carr, Angela; Turcot, François; Vincent, Dauphin; Avasilichioaei, Oana; St-Onge, Simon; Simic, Charles; Moure, Erin; Arsenault, Mathieu; Wren, Jacob; Bolster, Stephanie; Schürch, Franz; Gagnon, Renée; Phaneuf, Marc-Antoine K.; Poulin, Patrick; Hébert, Louis-Philippe; Schofield, Mélisandre; Laverdure, Bertrand and Dessavage; N.S.. Le Livre de chevet. Montréal, QC: Quartanier; S.l.: La Table des Matières, 2009.
DOSSIER: 390 - QUARTANIER, Le (Montréal)
Wren, Jacob; Braichet, Thomas; Farah, Alain; Canty, Daniel; Laverdure, Bertrand; St-Onge, Simon; Farah, Alain; Philanthrope, Félix; Bennett, Guy. Cité Selon. Montréal, Qc: Le Quartanier, 2006.
DOSSIER: 390 - QUARTANIER, Le (Montréal)
Canty, Daniel; Alanis, Salvador; Hawes, Phillip; McVicar, Tara; Sélène, Xandère I. ; St-Onge, Simon; Turcot, François; Vincent, Dominiq. Nor : idées du nord = Ideas of North. Montréal, QC: Dana Velan; Montréal, QC: Daniel Velan, 2004.