Browse by KeywordNumber of items: 3.
Johnstone, Lesley; Bradley, Jessica; Fry, Philip; Dorland, Michael; Ferguson, Bruce W.; Saint-Pierre, Marcel; Sawchuk, Kim; Bérard, Serge; Fry, Jacqueline; Townsend-Gault, Charlotte; Banning, Kass; Ross, Christine; Nemiroff, Diana; Payant, René; Klepac, Walter; Monk, Philip; Lamoureux, Johanne; Grenville, Bruce; Randolph, Jeanne; Wood, William; Town, Elke; Laing, Carol; Burstyn, Varda; Sioui Durand, Guy; Tuer, Dot; Gagnon, Monika; Todd, Loretta.
Réfractions : Trajets de l'art contemporain au Canada.
Montréal, Qc: Éditions Artextes; Bruxelles, Belgique: s.n., 1998.
DOSSIER: 390 - ARTEXTE (Montréal, Qc)
Levin, Simon; Miller, Marcus; Shaw, Nancy; Shields, Rob; Gianni, Benjamin; Léger, Marc James; Griffiths, Nan; Carr-Harris, Ian.
Driving the Ceremonial Landscape.
Ottawa, Ont.: Galerie 101 Gallery, 1996.
DOSSIER: 351 - GALERIE 101 (Ottawa)
Fry, Philip; Dorland, Michael; Ferguson, Bruce W.; Saint-Pierre, Marcel; Sawchuk, Kim; Bérard, Serge; Fry, Jacqueline; Townsend-Gault, Charlotte; Banning, Kass; Ross, Christine; Nemiroff, Diana; Payant, René; Klepac, Walter; Monk, Philip; Lamoureux, Johanne; Grenville, Bruce; Randolph, Jeanne; Wood, William; Town, Elke; Laing, Carol; Burstyn, Varda; Sioui Durand, Guy; Tuer, Dot; Gagnon, Monika; Todd, Loretta.
SightLines = Sight Lines : Reading Contemporary Canadian Art.
Montréal, Qc: Éditions Artextes.
DOSSIER: 390 - ARTEXTE (Montréal, Qc)