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Number of items: 2.

Babin, Sylvette. Tour de Villeneuve, interventions photographiques in situ = Villeneuve Tour, Site Specific Photographic Interventions. Montréal, Qc: Atelier Fovea, 2001.
DOSSIER: 390 - ATELIER FOVEA (Montréal, Qc)
Clay, Allyson; Chabot, Joceline; Hassan, Jamelie; Tomas, David; Henricks, Nelson; Frenkel, Vera; Haraldsson, Arni; Barber, Bruce; Bertrand, Francois-Marie; Chen, Millie; Von Michalofski, Evelyn; Murphy, Serge; Carr-Harris, Ian; Lammerich, Yvonne; Carpenter, J.r.; MacKenzie, Elizabeth; Tenhaaf, Nell; Goulet, Rose-Marie; Chitty, Elizabeth; Marriott, John; Bull, Hank; Bachmann, Ingrid; Xiong, Gu; Benner, Ron; Goodes, Donald; Robertson, Clive. So, to Speak. Montréal, Qc: Artextes Editions, 1999.
DOSSIER: 390 - ARTEXTE (Montréal, Qc)