Browse by KeywordNumber of items: 2.
Robertson, Clive; Fung, Richard; Walkom, Tom; House, Jeff; Johnson, Nancy; Parker, Ara Rose; Duncan, John; Reid, Robert; Fleming, Martha; Smith, George; Beveridge, Karl; Greyson, John; Guest, Tim; Kinsman, Gary; Berland, Jody; Barnard, Geoff; Tenhaaf, Nell; Whitfield, Tony; Ferguson, Bruce; Dyson, Brian.
Fuse 4: 6.
Benamou, Michel; Bernstein, Cheryl; Blau, Herbert; Charles, Daniel; Durand, Régis; Jabès, Edmond; Federman, Raymond; Hassan, Ihab; Lyotard, Jean-François; Palmer, Richard; Rothenberg, Jerome; Tatham, Campbell; Turner, Victor.
Performance in Postmodern Culture.
Milwaukee, WI: The Center for Twentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin; s.l.: Madison, WI : Coda Press, 1977.