Theories of Authorship : A ReaderTools Caughie, John; Buscombe, Edward; Sarris, Andrew; Marcorelles, Louis; Anderson, Lindsay; Wollen, Peter; Cormolli, Jean-Louis; Narboni, Jean; Eckert, Charles; Henderson, Brian; Oudart, Jean-Pierre; Barthes, Roland; Heath, Stephen; Metz, Christian; Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey; Flitterman, Sandy; Brown, Nick; Cook, Pam; Foucault, Michel. Theories of Authorship : A Reader. London, England: Routledge & Kegan Paul; s.l.: British Film Institute, 1981.
Abstract (English)"This Reader attempts to do two things : using documentation and commentary, it attempts to follow the most significant stages in the development of theories of film authorship over the past thirty or so years ; and it attempts to put into play certain formulations and problems which have to be confronted in the continuing theorization of the author's place and function." -- p. 1. Edit this item (login required):